Fake Kim Kardashian Tweet Causes Uproar in Nigeria

Gudmorning People.

Dis tweet was circulated online, via blackberry broadcasts, on facebook and even tweets which led to so many people expressing their displeasure. But the truth behind dis tweet is dat, it is a FAKE tweet and wiv enuf reasons.
  Take a good look at the followers, number of tweets , notice dat it is written in 17.5M and 15.2K. Twitter gives precise number of followers and tweets and never round up numbers. And if you take a closer look at the tweet itself, you'll see there is a faint border line around the edges of the texts. This was done with a photo editor like Photoshop or sumfin.

So people pls, pipe down on de hate remarks and show of anger. And yes, we all know she didnt deserve been paid such a huge amount just to come spend 15mins to launch a show for the nite. That is not her fault, blame those who organized the show and are against grooming home grown talents and beauty.


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